
Recommended next revisions/additions:

Determine funding equity:
Get specific metrics for travel forms: fly, train, car, busses, local rail, bike, walk, other.
Recent annually each: Passenger miles. Operational costs: infrastructure, equpment, fuel, labor. Comprehensive other costs. Individual Spending. Subsidies breakdown. % subsidized.
Some samples of same from various past decades.
Assess useful metrics for comparison.
Maybe a job for someone good at this particular topic?

Realistically address winter biking.

Realistically address special needs: medical/emergency, senior/disabled, trash/cargo.
Note that senior/disabled are already reportedly primarily served by public transit.

Assess all chief oil consuming sectors. Get some basic breakdown. What percentage actually is personal travel?
What are the environmental impact costs of plastic and agricultural uses?

Do some reading about cargo transport issues.
Cost per pound/mile? Air, rail, truck, ship, other?
What percentage overall transportation fuel use is cargo?
Compare efficiencies, environmental impact, trues costs by mode.
Maybe a job for someone good at this particular topic?

Mention Go/shared cars? Also electric?
Is delivery any more efficient that driving?

Identify some specific future potential profit areas.